RWA All Natural* Skin-On Turkey Breast Roast
Frozen Code: 40069
Ingredients: Turkey Breast Roast with up to 10% of flavoring solution of Water and Sea Salt.
RWA Ground Turkey
4/5 lb. Chubs
90% Lean
Frozen Code: 43015
Ingredients: Ground Turkey, and 2% or Less of Natural Flavoring, Cultured Dextrose, and Vinegar.
RWA All Natural* Skin-On Turkey Breast Roast
Frozen Code: 40097
Ingredients: Turkey Breast Roast with up to 10% of flavoring solution of Water and Sea Salt.
Try our products for yourself.
A Great Addition
to Your Menu
Available cooked and ready-to-cook, Michigan Turkey products have a variety of unique flavor profiles and styles, including commodity parts. Bring them to your menu or deli case and let your customers taste the difference.